Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Get Out and Vote in the Mid-term Elections

The mid-term elections are fast approaching and I just wanted to take the time out and encourage everyone to vote. If you are having primary or runoff elections, don't forget to get out and vote in those as well.

The right to vote is one that has not yet been screwed with too much and we should take full advantage of it while we can and maybe by doing so we can elect people who will work to restore the rights that have been tampered with through legislation and adjudication.

I've found a great new site that will give you insight into the upcoming elections, plus they are publishing dates for primaries and runoffs so that you will know when it is your turn to get out there and vote. Vote November 2010 is dedicated to getting people elected who respect the constitution and the founding fathers original ideals for our country.

In recent years, there has been too many instances of our political (from both sides of the aisle) and judicial systems taking away our rights. Its time for all of us to stand up and say: "No more!" Lets get rid of these politicians and judges who choose to corrupt our constitution and take away our rights.

Facist systems usually begin with the taking away of your rights a small bit at a time... things that you really don't notice, until one day you wake up and your living under a dictator. Let's keep our freedoms and get out in the Mid-term elections and vote for those candidates who will preserve and restore our rights as US citizens!


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