Saturday, January 19, 2008

Learn to Set Goals

There are those who are bounded by laws and rules, yet success is too distant for them. On the other hand, there are those who appears to be easy going people but are successful. Think you have what it takes to be like them? Or would you rather do something different to achieve the elusive success? Take heart and set your goals.

What do goals represent by the way? These are actually representations of your visions about you and your future. Goals should be achievable and realistic. These kinds of goals allow you to put them into practice or at least do some activities that allow you to monitor your progress. However, more is involved in just merely setting realistic goals. Remember that in order to achieve your goals, you must act according to your goals. Otherwise, all else would be vanity if you do not exert effort in reaching them. The following will help you set achievable goals:

1. Enhance your skills in achieving targeted goals by setting objectives, as well as standard and optional activities that will help you meet your goals.

2. Strategize and take risks in meeting your goals. Strategic thinking is very important because this will allow you to be productive and focus on the activities according to your goals.

3. Act in accordance to your goals. Proper mind setting is very important in achieving your goals. Take the extra mile. Try taking risks but never compromise your safety. Taking risks means that you are ready to learn new things and challenges that will help you in the long run.

On one hand, you may wonder why there is a need for you to set goals if you think you have not failed at all in your endeavors. Remember that setting goals does not mean that you always fail. Setting goals means that you are acknowledging your limitations and you are ready to work your way up towards success, professionally or personally. It is for this reason why objective goals matter.

Moving forward, you also have to consider that there are goals that are just too hard to achieve on your own. At times, these goals even create conflicts that you might think of surrendering in the long run. Take heart. Everybody have similar concerns at times. If this situation occurs and you think that surrendering is the last option, why not look for a partner, a friend maybe who is willing to help you out with your goals? Collaborate with your prospective partner and learn to prioritize. If it requires spending time in plotting all the possibilities, both the pros and cons, try it.

Remember that goal setting is focused on your benefits. So try working things out and focus, focus, and focus. Minimize or avoid distractions if possible so you can work your goals better. Work that proper mindset for a clearer vision of you achieving those valuable goals. If you are vying for promotion in your workplace, it is important that you see yourself already in the position you want. If you are aiming for a personal or educational goal, make things happen by planning and doing things related to your goals. You will then realize that goals, no matter how difficult they may appear, are still valuable to consider. Once your goals are achieved, sweet success knocks on your door commending you for a job well done.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ten Things You Probably Shouldn't Know About Me

10: I wear shorts, year round. If its above freezing; I'm usually wearing a pair of shorts.

9: I rarely wear a tie; but at one point in my life had a collection of over 100 fine silk ties in my closet.

8: If I'm not wearing shorts; I'm in blue jeans. I am very anal about my jeans. I only wear Levis 501's. No Wrangler, Bugle Boy or whatever. Only Levis. Only 501's.

7: I'm a gambler who will bet on the outcome of most anything; but I do not play slot machines or the lottery.

6: I'm a very spontaneous person. I've been known to wake up and drive halfway across the country to see something or someone, on a whim.

5: I was personally invited to both of the Bush/Cheney Inaugural Balls. Why is this strange? I am not a registered Republican and I made no donations to either campaign.

4: I have a degree in political science, but hate discussing politics. My views are extreme enough in both directions, depending on the issue, to make members of both parties squirm.

3: I hate funerals, but have my own planned.

2: I am very much into freedom of expression; but run a very disciplined household. My boys have been given the freedom to explore their own ideals and beliefs; but are amongst the most polite, well-behaved young men you'll ever meet.

1: I go commando in public.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

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